Q. If I accidentally purchase a prohibited item, what should I do?


If there are any prohibited items among the products that have arrived at our company, we will confirm your preferences and proceed with one of the following options:
1) Domestic shipping
2) Return to the seller
3) Disposal by us

  1. Domestic Shipping
    Please provide the following information for your desired delivery destination:
    (1) Address
    (2) Recipient's name
    (3) Phone number

    Domestic shipping costs will be borne by the customer.
    Once the shipping cost is determined, we will inform you of the amount via email.
    After your confirmation, we will proceed with the payment.

  2. Return to the Seller
    Please contact the seller directly and arrange for the return.
    Once you have the return address information, please inform our customer support.
    The process will then proceed similarly to domestic shipping.

  3. Disposal by Our Company
    We will dispose of the package at our company.
    If there are any costs incurred for disposal, we will charge the actual amount.

If you have any questions, please contact Customer Support.

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