Student Discount

Student Discount

About Student Discount is offering a "Student Discount Campaign", where students can always get a 5% discount coupon.

How to Apply

To apply, simply register as a member and then upload your student ID from the student discount application page.

After review, a student discount coupon will be issued.

Eligible Applicants

Eligible applicants are students of graduate schools, universities, junior colleges, and vocational schools.

No Age Restrictions

Usage Conditions

1. The shipment must be to an overseas destination.

2. The package must be shipped using the consolidated packing service.

How to Use

A student discount coupon will be issued, and the coupon can be selected and used upon payment.


Cannot be combined with other coupons.

The student discount is valid for a maximum of 24 months per application.

For a student discount extension, you will need to present your student ID again.


Student discounts are applicable to all available shipping countries.

Unlimited usage if within the time period.

Discount still valid after graduation if within the discount period.

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